Monday, March 26, 2007

I need a name for my salon and spa, please help?

Select a name that you believe in and that describes your business. Start by brainstorming. Write down the product or service you offer. Underline it. Now below that, write down as many keywords related to your business that you can think of.

Once you run out of keywords, Use a thesaurus or use an online synonym finder to continue searching for keywords. Add the new words to your business name list. This will start your creative process.

You will want a name that can grow as your business grows. A name that has a decent '.com' or alternative Internet name available. A name that does not violate the intellectual property rights of another business or organization with the name you choose, which could put your ability to use the name in

Just because you've found a name and it appears to be available, it does not mean that you are free to use it for your business. If your name conflicts with an existing trademark, tradename or someone's intellectual property, you could find yourself facing a lawsuit and the possible loss of your business name.

Then, when you finally find a few names you really like -try reciting them to other people and get their opinion. It won't be long until your business will have the proper name that will carry it through it's life!

Key points to remember are:
Is it pronounceable and easy to spell?
Is it distinctive and concise?
Does it clearly communicate your message?
Does it have a positive sound?

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